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Chapter 1: Blower Basics
The Air Engine
Street Supercharging
What is a Supercharger?
What a Supercharger Does
Types of Superchargers
Chapter 2: Blower Background
A Short History of Supercharging
Blowers in Europe
Superchargers in the United States
Hot Rod Supercharging
Street Supercharging
Chapter 3: How Blowers Work
Density, Volume and Pressure
The Gas Law
The Problem of Heat
Blower Efficiency
The Air Density Ratio
The Limits of Supercharging
Expansion Ratio and Thermal Efficiency
Let’s Get Practical
Chapter 4: Vintage Superchargers
Early McCulloch Blowers
The Frenzel
The S.CO.T./Italmeccanica
Early GMC Kits
Other Roots Blowers
The Judson and Other Vane Types
Magna Charger
B&M Automotive
Chapter 5: The New Centrifugals
Centrifugal Superchargers vs. Turbochargers
Vortech and Paxton Superchargers
ATI ProCharger
Chapter 6: Modern Roots Blowers
GMC Blowers
GMC Blower Builders
New Old Roots
The New Roots
Chapter 7: Screw-Type Superchargers
Kenne Bell
Chapter 8: Building the Street-Supercharged Engine
Block, Crank, Rods
Pistons and Rings
Cylinder Heads
Camshaft and Valvetrain
Fuel System
Air Cleaners and Intercoolers
Source Guide